It’s finally here our awesome Junk Journal ideas Membership Group! it’s a group that goes beyond what I can do for you on Youtube and a free Facebook group alone. This membership group is for

  • Junk Journal lovers
  • People with creative minds
  • Newbies to the world of junk journals
  • People looking for inspiration and ideas of junk journals and ephemera
  • People interested in creating junk journals but have no idea where to start
  • People who love the creation part and want a step-by-step instructions to follow along
  • People who want to connect with other like-minded people and share ideas and their creations

junk journal ideas membership group



This creative membership is different from anything else available online, because I’ve learnt digital skills in order to transfer my teachings in a high-quality fashion through video creation, video editing, graphic design, and many other skills that I absolutely love doing. So it’s no surprise to see me pop up with a membership group for everyone to come join and be inspired, and one of the biggies in our craft environment is GETTING STARTED!!

Learning should never exhaust the mind
—Leonardo da Vinci

No one is born with all the knowledge. life is about the journey of learning to know.
So set your curiosity on fire. No knowledge is out of our reach; we just need to be prepared to reach out for it.

What stands out for me is the amount of ladies I have met who have found it hard to get started. There’s one thing that remains necessary in order to achieve anything, success included, and that’s to get started! Finding help from other people is the first step in getting started.


  • How to video’s: The highest quality junk journal creation how-to videos online today – carefully created and edited to the highest possible standard.
  • Printable Patterns: Instead of figuring out the measurements yourself, we give you printable patterns to create the perfect junk journals & ephemera.
  • Custom Printables: Custom created printables to print and stick inside your junk journal including pages, designer papers, and more.
  • Caring Community: We have a community right here inside this membership as well as a FB Group, lets see which one you prefer?
  • Encouragement: Doing junk journal on your own is no fun. Being able to share it with others, get feedback and encouragement makes all the difference in the world.
  • New Courses: Were new right now, but! there’s New Courses being added regularly to give you more inspiration, ideas, and instructions for your next creation so the fun never stops!
  • Guest Instructors: On a regular basis, we invite expert instructors to help with skills to make the entire process much more enjoyable – such as mindset, confidence, efficiency and organization.

  • Endless ideas: Endless supply of creative ideas for junk journal creation, not only from Donna, but from the rest of the wonderful ladies.
  • New Courses: Were new right now, but! there’s New Courses being added regularly to give you more inspiration, ideas, and instructions for your next creation so the fun never stops!
  • Practical Coaching: At your own pace step-by-step instructions and guidance from A to Z on the entire process of junk journal and ephemera creations.

Come on in join today, check out Junk Journal ideas membership group for yourself, I’ve worked real hard on making this a great group to help you get started to create something awesome today, all by working at your own pace, with help from me and our supportive community.

— Donna Phillips teacher
hand made Junk Journal 
Membership Group